If you were in the best shape of your life back in 2020, then you’re not alone! There’s no denying that, for many, keeping fit during isolation was somewhat more challenging than usual but I feel like I found my…
Perfect Form: How To Do Flutter Kicks (Core Exercise)
Of all the classes I’ve taught over the years, the one that always maintains it’s popularity is core related. We’re all literally obsessed with abs, huh?! And flutter kicks have been one of my go to core exercises in this…
Perfect Form: How To Do Diamond Push Ups (Triceps)
After finally getting rid of a shoulder injury / niggle I had for over a year, I’m keen to rebuild my upper body strength, including working on regular push-ups and their many variations. On the blog, I’ve shared decline push-ups and…
Hip Adductor Exercises To Do At Home For Inner Thighs
Dunno bout you, but I kinda forget about my inner thighs – aka adductors – until I do some loaded sumo squats then have DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) for days afterwards. It does however serve as a good reminder…
Perfect Form: How To Do Wall Push Ups (& Variations)
I dunno about you, but I feel like the number and quality of full push-ups I can do, is a good indicator of my upper body strength. However, for longer than I would like to admit, I’ve been carrying a…
15 Minute Home Workout – Full Body Strength Routine [+Video]
There literally is no time like the present to make changes which can impact your health, fitness and overall wellness. A quick 15 minute home workout is one of the best places to start and I’ve got one for you…